Earth Animal
Earth Animal is a pioneer in its industry—focusing on people, animals and the planet in everything they do. We re-organized their website to focus on this message and ensure the sustainability message came across loud and clear.
In an effort to provide Earth Animal with compelling marketing materials and social content to mimic its originality, we knew we needed pure, captivating photography and video. We’ve accomplished a variety of photo and video shoots to support different areas of the business, including a three-day shoot in Vermont that our team planned and executed, capturing various assets to use in current and future marketing. In addition, our team of illustrators have contributed to Earth Animal’s signature sketch graphics and rustic look.
Our in-house team has produced all sorts of video concepts for Earth Animal. We’ve paired b-roll footage with motion graphics and animation to effectively bring the brand story to life, as well as scripted product and corporate videos to educate customers, industry peers, and retailers about the benefits of Earth Animal’s comprehensive offerings.
Hatch’s in-house video team has produced all styles of video for Earth Animal. We’ve paired motion graphics, footage and animation to help their brand story come to life and educate customers and dealers on the benefits of all their product lines.